505 8th Avenue, Floor 12A Room 02, New York, NY 10018

Reasons to Work at LNS

  1. To be of great service to others.
  2. To wake up and want to go to work.
  3. To leave work at the end of the day and feel good.
  4. Over 25 learning events a year.
  5. Participate in our Young Child Expo & Conference.
  6. Fellow team members celebrating your successes.
  7. Getting a treat in your mailbox from your secret Santa.
  8. Enjoying your team members.
  9. Candid conversations in which you learn to boldly discuss what matters most.
  10. Learning from your mistakes.
  11. Learning moments with your supervisor and your team members.
  12. Yellow walls.
  13. Case conferences.
  14. Calling your team members your family.
  15. Being pushed by your team members to set professional goals, to dream, and to get encouragement and support to work towards your dreams.
  16. To get career guidance.
  17. Advancement opportunities.
  18. To develop new skills by taking on new responsibilities.
  19. To learn how to “LAF” in tough situations (Listen, Apologize, Fix).
  20. To laugh your brains out and realize you’re at work.
  21. To go places you never thought of going, but you are glad you did.
  22. To be a part of creating a great organization aimed to do great things for those in need.
  23. To learn how to really listen to others.
  24. To become the best you can be.
  25. To make a real difference in the life of a child and their family.