505 8th Avenue, Floor 12A Room 02, New York, NY 10018

Developmental Milestones

Skill Development
By 6 months
Daily Living
Motor Skills
 Uses hands and mouth to explore objectsFixes gaze on faceReacts to sight of bottle or breastLifts head and chest when lying on stomachSocial smile
 Turns eyes and head to sound of hidden voiceResponds to name by looking for voiceComforts self with thumb or pacifierTurns over when lying on stomachDistinguishes mother from others
 Localizes sound with eyesRegularly localizes sound Holds head in line with body when pulled to sittingDemands social attention
 Finds a partially hidden objectCooing, gurgling, chuckling, laughing Bears almost all weight on legsVocalizes pleasure and displeasure
  Say a vowel-consonant combination such as “ah goo” Looks and reaches for faces or toysVocalizes in response to adult talk and smile
    Picks up toy with one hand 
By 12 months
Daily Living
Motor Skills
 Plays peek-a-booInitiates vocalizationHolds own bottleCrawls around on hands and kneesReaches for familiar person
 Follows trajectory of fast moving objectsDifferent vocalizations for different statesFeeds self a crackerGoes from sitting to pronePlays social games (peek a boo)
 Looks for family members or pets when namedRecognizes familiar peoplePicks up spoon by handleLowers to sitting from standingPlays patty cake
 Retains two of three objectsReciprocal social games (peek a boo, pat a cake) Walks around furniture or crib while holding onShows anxiety over separation from mother
 Turns head and shoulders to find hidden soundImitates familiar sounds and actions Picks up small objects – precise thumb and finger graspSmiles at mirror image
 Imitates familiar and new gestureCries when parent leaves  Extends toy to show others
  Reduplicative babbling (baba,mama)  Explores environment
  Attracts attention by vocalizing  Shows like and dislike for certain people, objects, places
  Shakes head “no”   
  Waves “bye”   
  Indicates requests clearly   
  Coordinates actions betweens adults and objects   
By 18 months
Daily Living
Motor Skills
 Turns two or three pages at a timeBegins single word productionIndicates discomfort over soiled pantsStands without supportGives kisses or hugs
 Identifies self in the mirrorRequesting objects, such as food, with wordsLifts cup to mouth and drinksWalks without helpGreets people with “hi”
 Identifies one body partUses ritual words – bye, hi, thank you, pleaseFeeds self with spoonRunsGives toy to familiar adult
 Recognizes and points to four animal picturesProtest – says no, shakes headInsists on doing things by self such as feedingStacks 2 or more blocksDisplays independent behavior
  Comments – Points to object and vocalizes Picks up 2 small toys in one handDisplays frequent tantrum behavior
  Acknowledges – makes eye contact and vocalization  Begins to show sense of humor
     Plays ball cooperatively
     Shows toy preferences
By 24 months
Daily Living
Motor Skills
 Points to several clothing items on requestUses mostly words to communicateEats with forkKicks a ball forwardSometimes says “no”
 Matches sound to animalsBegins to use two word combinationsEats with spoon spilling littleRuns well, seldom fallsShows sympathy to other children and tries to comfort
 Matches object to picture

Uses word combinations with relational meanings (daddy shoe, more


Takes off front opening jacket or shirtWalks up and down stairs alone, both feet on stepShows jealousy of attention given to others
 Assembles four nesting blocksHas at least 50 wordsRemoves shoes when laces undoneBuilds towers of four or more blocksShows a wide variety of emotions
 Identifies three body partsFollows two part instructionHelps with simple household tasksTurn pages of picture book one at a timeEngages in parallel play
 Recognizes self in photograph   Defends possessions
 Uses play dough and paints    
By 30 months
Daily Living
Motor Skills
 Understands concept of oneUnderstands many action verbsUnderstands common dangers – stairs, glass, strange animalsOpens doors by turning the knobsPlays with other children – dolls, cars, blocks
 Recognizes familiar adult in pictureNames most pictures of familiar objectsIndicates need to use the toiletClimbs on play equipmentDisplays dependent behavior
 Engages in simple make believe activities  Jumps from 8 to 14 inchesFrustration tantrums peak
 Obeys two part commands  Catches large ballDramatizes using doll
 Matches shapes and colors  Scribbles with circular motionBecoming aware of sex differences
    Draws or copies vertical linesMay develop sudden fears, especially of large animals
By 36 months
Daily Living
Motor Skills
 Matches similar pictures of objectsEngages in short dialoguesPulls pants down with assistanceStands on one foot without supportRole plays in pretend games – mom, dad, teacher
 Sorts shapesUses language in imaginative wayDresses self with helpWalks up and down steps alternating feetShows independence
 Completes 3 piece puzzleProvides descriptive detailsPulls pants up with assistanceDraws or copies vertical linesBegins to obey and respect simple rules
 Stacks rings in correct orderLinks unrelated ideas and story elementsWipes nose with assistanceCuts with small scissors 
 Points to larger or smaller of two spoonsBegins to include articles and word endingsPours liquid from small container  
 Understands concept of twoUnderstands four prepositionsUses toilet with assistance  
 Sorts colors and points to several colors when named Washes and dries hands  
 Identifies longer stick Buttons large buttons  
 Understands all common verbs and some adjectives