Stage | Skill Development | ||||
By 6 months | Cognition | Communication | Daily Living | Motor Skills | Socialization |
Uses hands and mouth to explore objects | Fixes gaze on face | Reacts to sight of bottle or breast | Lifts head and chest when lying on stomach | Social smile | |
Turns eyes and head to sound of hidden voice | Responds to name by looking for voice | Comforts self with thumb or pacifier | Turns over when lying on stomach | Distinguishes mother from others | |
Localizes sound with eyes | Regularly localizes sound | Holds head in line with body when pulled to sitting | Demands social attention | ||
Finds a partially hidden object | Cooing, gurgling, chuckling, laughing | Bears almost all weight on legs | Vocalizes pleasure and displeasure | ||
Say a vowel-consonant combination such as “ah goo†| Looks and reaches for faces or toys | Vocalizes in response to adult talk and smile | |||
Picks up toy with one hand | |||||
By 12 months | Cognition | Communication | Daily Living | Motor Skills | Socialization |
Plays peek-a-boo | Initiates vocalization | Holds own bottle | Crawls around on hands and knees | Reaches for familiar person | |
Follows trajectory of fast moving objects | Different vocalizations for different states | Feeds self a cracker | Goes from sitting to prone | Plays social games (peek a boo) | |
Looks for family members or pets when named | Recognizes familiar people | Picks up spoon by handle | Lowers to sitting from standing | Plays patty cake | |
Retains two of three objects | Reciprocal social games (peek a boo, pat a cake) | Walks around furniture or crib while holding on | Shows anxiety over separation from mother | ||
Turns head and shoulders to find hidden sound | Imitates familiar sounds and actions | Picks up small objects – precise thumb and finger grasp | Smiles at mirror image | ||
Imitates familiar and new gesture | Cries when parent leaves | Extends toy to show others | |||
Reduplicative babbling (baba,mama) | Explores environment | ||||
Attracts attention by vocalizing | Shows like and dislike for certain people, objects, places | ||||
Shakes head “no†| |||||
Waves “bye†| |||||
Indicates requests clearly | |||||
Coordinates actions betweens adults and objects | |||||
By 18 months | Cognition | Communication | Daily Living | Motor Skills | Socialization |
Turns two or three pages at a time | Begins single word production | Indicates discomfort over soiled pants | Stands without support | Gives kisses or hugs | |
Identifies self in the mirror | Requesting objects, such as food, with words | Lifts cup to mouth and drinks | Walks without help | Greets people with “hi†| |
Identifies one body part | Uses ritual words – bye, hi, thank you, please | Feeds self with spoon | Runs | Gives toy to familiar adult | |
Recognizes and points to four animal pictures | Protest – says no, shakes head | Insists on doing things by self such as feeding | Stacks 2 or more blocks | Displays independent behavior | |
Comments – Points to object and vocalizes | Picks up 2 small toys in one hand | Displays frequent tantrum behavior | |||
Acknowledges – makes eye contact and vocalization | Begins to show sense of humor | ||||
Plays ball cooperatively | |||||
Shows toy preferences | |||||
By 24 months | Cognition | Communication | Daily Living | Motor Skills | Socialization |
Points to several clothing items on request | Uses mostly words to communicate | Eats with fork | Kicks a ball forward | Sometimes says “no†| |
Matches sound to animals | Begins to use two word combinations | Eats with spoon spilling little | Runs well, seldom falls | Shows sympathy to other children and tries to comfort | |
Matches object to picture | Uses word combinations with relational meanings (daddy shoe, more juice) | Takes off front opening jacket or shirt | Walks up and down stairs alone, both feet on step | Shows jealousy of attention given to others | |
Assembles four nesting blocks | Has at least 50 words | Removes shoes when laces undone | Builds towers of four or more blocks | Shows a wide variety of emotions | |
Identifies three body parts | Follows two part instruction | Helps with simple household tasks | Turn pages of picture book one at a time | Engages in parallel play | |
Recognizes self in photograph | Defends possessions | ||||
Uses play dough and paints | |||||
By 30 months | Cognition | Communication | Daily Living | Motor Skills | Socialization |
Understands concept of one | Understands many action verbs | Understands common dangers – stairs, glass, strange animals | Opens doors by turning the knobs | Plays with other children – dolls, cars, blocks | |
Recognizes familiar adult in picture | Names most pictures of familiar objects | Indicates need to use the toilet | Climbs on play equipment | Displays dependent behavior | |
Engages in simple make believe activities | Jumps from 8 to 14 inches | Frustration tantrums peak | |||
Obeys two part commands | Catches large ball | Dramatizes using doll | |||
Matches shapes and colors | Scribbles with circular motion | Becoming aware of sex differences | |||
Draws or copies vertical lines | May develop sudden fears, especially of large animals | ||||
By 36 months | Cognition | Communication | Daily Living | Motor Skills | Socialization |
Matches similar pictures of objects | Engages in short dialogues | Pulls pants down with assistance | Stands on one foot without support | Role plays in pretend games – mom, dad, teacher | |
Sorts shapes | Uses language in imaginative way | Dresses self with help | Walks up and down steps alternating feet | Shows independence | |
Completes 3 piece puzzle | Provides descriptive details | Pulls pants up with assistance | Draws or copies vertical lines | Begins to obey and respect simple rules | |
Stacks rings in correct order | Links unrelated ideas and story elements | Wipes nose with assistance | Cuts with small scissors | ||
Points to larger or smaller of two spoons | Begins to include articles and word endings | Pours liquid from small container | |||
Understands concept of two | Understands four prepositions | Uses toilet with assistance | |||
Sorts colors and points to several colors when named | Washes and dries hands | ||||
Identifies longer stick | Buttons large buttons | ||||
Understands all common verbs and some adjectives |